Jul 15, 2009

obituary: needed to mourn

the leni lenape, deleware whom buried their dead here
the hackensack who are buried along aquehonga's sandy coasts
the manhattan. raritan canarsie and manhattan indians buried along our sandy coasrs
the medicine people buried around the lakes such as martlings, bradys and cameroon
and the lakes filled in with easter hemisphere"s peoples debris as land fill...such as the haunted woodland lake in grasmere 10305 and lakes near mariners marsh 10303...
landfill of the l9 th and early 20 century, wiped off our recent maps aquehonga was an indian name for s.i.

the leni lenape, algonquin and iroquois nations buried their dead in the place of bad waters....
staten island has the largest indian burial ground along the south shore beaches and s.w. corner in the entire hemisphere.....
hackensak, canarsie, raritan tappan, and manhattan indian tribes made this their sacred burial ground.
souls could not cross over the waters...and water purified the souls. where gulf was was a large burial ground, gas tanks were installed on them in the 30's. the outerbridge, and gothels bridges are on sacred ground , we threw out and bulldozed the remains as the natural history folks came down and tried to grab what they could before the bulldozers. some clam piles remain. i will not tell you where. the museum of natural history escavated them back to 30,000 years they say...oysters made good wampum

Jane Tamang

1 comment:

  1. Morning, Jane. I wish I could have a clue, how I failed you as a friend.
