Sep 29, 2010

New Brighton

Part I

Get off the Ferry and hook a right, go about mile down Richmond Terrace and as St. George ends, you enter New Brighton.

You will know you arrived when you see the 9-11 memorial mural of the fireman raising the flag, right next to Gerardi's Farmers Market.  If you arrive from April till October.  After Halloween, he sells Christmas trees, and he takes off from January till April most years.  Most people are hoping he sticks around longer considering how packed he is on the weekends.

Go a bit further and you will get to Leidy's, the older pub on Staten Island.  Still in the hands of the Leidy Family after all these years.  Everyone knows Larry Leidy.

Look across the street and you will see a huge mound of salt for most of the year - the Atlantic Salt Company is on the water in New Brighton.

The original Village Hall for New Brighton, a landmark stood for many years until it needed to be demolished in 2004.  One day it was there and the next it was just gone.  New Housing for Seniors is being built as of this writing.

And across the street from the construction site is the Island known, Adobe Blues.  One of the largest beer selections in the city.

Keep heading up Lafayette and you will get to the Children's Aid Society, Goodhue Center. - Goodhue Center's beautiful 42-acre Staten Island campus is a home-away-from-home where hundreds of youth can enjoy woodlandsball fields, pool, gymnasium and acomputer learning center.

More to come.......

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